


☛ 時間:民國 106 11 12 日(日) 下午1:30-5:00

☛ 地點:中華民國全國商業總會 會議室

台北市大安區復興南路一段390號6樓 (近捷運大安站 4號出口)

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On the afternoon of September 17, 2017, the sun of the autumn was accompanied by gentle wind, warm but not hot. In the study of the Association of Pure Buddhist were there students whose moods were as bright as the sunshine greeting with a long-awaited study!




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Thank our Teacher, Susan Duan, for leading all the members of the Association and the relatives to chant the “Sutra of the Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” together on September 3, 2017. The Teacher taught us to dedicate all the merits of chanting the Sutra to all beings of innumerable worlds, wishing all the beings who are in the painfulness, vexations and karma can have causes and conditions to connect with the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and step on the path of enlightenment making themselves free from sufferings and gain happiness, realize the truth and restore the nature of pureness.

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 因順應農曆七月中元節本地習俗,協會於106年9月將舉辦《地藏菩薩本願經》誦經法會,以實踐過往我們在講座所學的---以法布施眾生,歡迎 報名參加。





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Following from the observation practice of last time, this Study of All Members was designed by our Teacher Susan Duan helped us find the problems in our mind through the gap between our observation and the reality so that we can antidote them. Therefore, we realized that “All things were created by our mind”. And what kind of life will the muddy and unstable heart bring to us?




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On July 8, 2017, Association of Pure Buddhist (APB) held Dharma Lecture of “Sutra of the Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” and invited our teacher Susan Duan to give a speech. The Lecture Eight entered upon "Chapter Two: The Assembly of the Emanations". 




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At every Friday night, the Association of Pure Buddhist (APB) regularly enables people to settle their mind and body and practice meditation in the APB study.


After going through hard working for one week, modern people like us can have such peaceful time and space at Friday nights to practice harmonizing the body and the mind under the blessing of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, how wondrous it is!


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GK小學教室重建工程011-1060425_01 學生於新建教室內合照




The charity fundraising for rebuilding classrooms for GK primary school in Nepal in May 2016 was not able to be accomplished because the application for setting up the Association of Pure Buddhist (APB) was in progress at that time. But our compassionate Teacher was not willing to delay the support of helping the children’s needs so that she faced with the dilemma and bore great pressure. On the one side, the Teacher had to protect the APB about to be set up so that she was reluctant not to open the merits for the students. On the other side, she wisely took flexible action to collect several kindhearted donors' and students' donations and transferred all the funds to the local school. Thank our Teacher's compassion and wisdom to make it best of both worlds--the wish of making the children of GK primary school have classrooms was accomplished and the legal procedure of our classroom's transformation was taken into account. And now the classroom rebuilding was completed, we would like to share this good news with everyone willing to contribute but not able to put in practice at that time last year.


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☛ 時間:民國 106 7 8 日(六) 下午1:30-5:00

☛ 地點:中華民國全國商業總會 會議室

台北市大安區復興南路一段390號6樓 (近捷運大安站 4號出口)

報名方式 (電話報名或線上報名皆可)

1. 電話報名0966-636-825 (聯絡人 何小姐/朱小姐)

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