目前分類:年度活動報導 Report of Annual Activity (43)

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「一念一切劫」─20231125協會教室週年法會 ”One




To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Pure Classroom and the seventh anniversary of Pure Buddhist Association, we held a Dharma assembly on November 25, and respectfully chanted the “Avatamsaka Sutra”: “Pure Conduct Chapter, Brahma Conduct Chapter and Discourse on Samantabhadra's Beneficence Aspirations Chapter”.


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It has been three years to hold Dharma Assembly of the Zhongyuan Festival of this year since the last one (Due to the epidemic of Covid-19), everyone was very happy to have the opportunity to participate.

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* 財團法人佛教僧伽醫護基金會

* 財團法人達成慈善基金會(捐棺)

* 台灣導盲犬協會

* 社團法人台北市心生活協會

* 社團法人台灣愛克特動物重生救援協會

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Thank you for taking us out of the dark valley when our get stuck in our life. ---Mei


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The day before the Dharma Assembly, the Teacher, Susan Duan, prepared the offering flowers of the Dharma Assembly for us in person, demonstrating "doing" and "action".


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The Association of Pure Buddhist (APB) hoped to do our best to our homeland and fellow citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the proposal of the founder of the APB, the Teacher, Susan Duan, the 7th Meeting of the 2th board of directors and supervisors passed a resolution to make donations to the following local government accounts which were designated for COVID-19 prevention and still open to accept donation at the meeting date.  We donated to the following 12 counties and cities, and the total amount of donation was NTD210,000.


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In this Dharma Assembly during the Tomb-Sweeping Festival, the Teacher, Susan Duan, led everyone to chant the “The Amitabha Sutra” with respect and gratitude and dedicated the merits to all beings all over the world who died or suffered from the COVID-19 epidemic, the compatriots who died or were injured in the Taroko train derailment accident, as well as the attendants’ ancestors, deceased relatives and friends.


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Year-End Donation 2020 (2)



* 財團法人佛教僧伽醫護基金會

* 財團法人無國界醫生基金會

* 社團法人中華民國阿彌陀佛關懷協會

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To celebrate the 7th anniversary of the Pure Classroom and the 4th anniversary of the Association of Pure Buddhist (APB), we held a Dharma Assembly of chanting the three chapters of “Avatamsaka Sutra”: “Pure Conduct, Brahma Conduct and Discourse on Samantabhadra's Beneficence Aspirations” in the APB Study on November 28. The Teacher, Susan Duan, led us to chant the Sutra and holy name with joy and respect, immersing in the warmth of the wisdom from Dharma.


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In recent months, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the studies of the Classroom and Association have been changed to be held online. Everyone is so grateful that we can still hear the Teacher, Susan Duan, teaching the Dharma online in these turbulent times, and we treasure such a precious blessing of learning the Dharma more. On the eve of Mother's Day this year, it happened to be the online study, the Teacher specially led us to chant the“Pure Conduct" of the “Avatamsaka Sutra” to return the merits to all mothers in the world and all sentient beings in the six realms. The Teacher said that in fact, in an infinite number of eons, all beings had been our mothers.


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Since the founding of the Association, for the first time, the method of online Assembly was adopted to protect everyone from the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic and enable everyone to obtain the merits and benefits of collective chanting of “The Amitabha Sutra” under the leading of the Teacher, Susan Duan. After the chanting was completed, when the Teacher read the names of the deceased relatives and friends whom the students and attendants wanted to dedicate the merits to, we received the warmth and strength in the Teacher ’s voice and words, feeling that the deceased whose names were read by the Teacher really got the guidance of the Amitabha and went to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. They got pure peace, and there was no more pain. We really deeply touched and were so grateful to the Techer!


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In this Dharma Assembly at the Beginning of Spring, the Teacher, Susan Duan, specially guided us to take a look at the Mandala before leading us to chant the Sutra; due to the epidemic of 2019-nCov, the Association temporarily closed the setting up of food offering by the audience. Before this, we should never have expected that one day there would be no chance for making offerings, by this chance, we should reflect on the impermanence of things in the world originated from the karma and then initiate the mentality of treasuring to attend this Dharma Assembly.


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Thanks for the blessing from the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Thanks for APB’s founder, Teacher Susan Duan, keeping teaching and leading us so that we can practice Dharma through various activities and events held by the Association. We could then, with sincere heart, firmly walk on the path to enlightenment to propagate the Dharma and benefit sentient beings and feel great happiness. Thanks for the enthusiastic participation of directors and supervisors. The 2nd meeting of second board of directors and supervisors was held smoothly and successfully!


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祝福您    教師節快樂!


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