
學生 琬婷 撰

by student, Wan Ting

回想2014年我初找老師做潛意識探索處理,因為體會到了身心前所未有的鬆綁與自在,決心繼續跟隨老師學佛,至今三年多,隨著與老師學習及相處時間的累積,讓我有機會不只從諮詢室、固定研習課堂上,更從平常生活的細節中進一步地認識了老師,而從老師身上看到了,佛法並不是高高懸掛的理論名詞,而是真正能被運用在生活中,讓自己愉悅自在,也能真心關懷、溫暖他人的方法。 因此我想從生活觀察的角度向大家介紹---我所認識的  段貞夙老師。

I still remembered that when I first met the Teacher, Ms. Duan, for the subconscious consultation in 2014. When feeling the mentally and physically free, I resolved to follow the Teacher to learn the Dharma. Until now, it has been more than three years, as time goes by, the more time I get along with the Teacher, the more I know the Teacher from daily life details. Due to the cherish chance, from the Teacher, I see that the Buddha Dharma is not abstruse theory but the method which can be used in our everyday life not only to save ourselves from vexation and make us delight, but also enable us to give others warm care from the bottom of our heart. Therefore, from my observation of daily life where I got along with our Teacher, I would like to sincerely introduce to you our Teacher, Susan Duan.


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