


中華清淨學佛協會佛學講座於3月12日舉行,授法老師 段貞夙居士 慈悲為大眾開講《地藏菩薩本願經》第六講,深入經文義理,闡釋「釋迦牟尼佛與文殊菩薩以大智演法施教,為此經作證明;地藏菩薩功德威神不可思議,為眾生之福田,眾生一念清淨便獲無量福報,皆因菩薩因地發廣大慈悲願心,救度一切受苦眾生。」以此開展講述諸佛菩薩的智慧身教,具體實踐於生活中的修持方法,並以生動活潑的舉例,使大眾感悟驚歎,原來生活中所有起心動念處即是修行處,解脫樂或輪迴苦就在一念之間展開。


Association of Pure Buddhist held Dharma lecture on March 21.  Our teacher, Susan Duan, who gave speech of the sixth lecture of “Sutra of the Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (the Sutra)interpreted the Sutra by starting from”how Sakyamuni Buddha and Manjusri Bodhisattva give Dharma teaching to prove the Sutra of the Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva by incredible wisdom.” And she explained ”why does Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva have so wonderful merits and magnificent virtues which enable sentient beings to accumulate immeasurable merits by showing respect to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva from the bottom of their hearts?  It is due to the great vow made by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the boundless past lives to liberate continuously all sentient beings from all sufferings of Samsara.” Teacher Susan Duan also instructed how to transform Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ teachings into practicable methods in daily life. Meanwhile, by illustrating with the lively examples, the attendants’ hearts were all vibrated and exclaimed in wonderment that every mind in our daily life is the moment to practice and to plant the seed of attaining the happiness of liberty or leaving the sufferings of Samsara.








Teacher Susan Duan rounded the lecture off by encouraging all attendants to “place high value on the cause and make a vow to become one with awareness and understanding.”  During the lecture, Teacher Susan Duan also taught that Dharma cultivators should generate the confidence and the reverence to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. And we should make the vows to save sentient beings from sufferings of Samsara.  Adapted to attendants’ various capabilities, Teacher Susan Duan took vivid examples of life events so that every attendant learned Dharma joyfully and expected the coming of next lecture in order to learn more Dharma wisdom and methods in connection with their daily life.












(附註:本次第六講更多相關照片,請至部落格相簿   觀賞。)

(more photos of the Lecture are at


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