GK小學教室重建工程011-1060425_01 學生於新建教室內合照




The charity fundraising for rebuilding classrooms for GK primary school in Nepal in May 2016 was not able to be accomplished because the application for setting up the Association of Pure Buddhist (APB) was in progress at that time. But our compassionate Teacher was not willing to delay the support of helping the children’s needs so that she faced with the dilemma and bore great pressure. On the one side, the Teacher had to protect the APB about to be set up so that she was reluctant not to open the merits for the students. On the other side, she wisely took flexible action to collect several kindhearted donors' and students' donations and transferred all the funds to the local school. Thank our Teacher's compassion and wisdom to make it best of both worlds--the wish of making the children of GK primary school have classrooms was accomplished and the legal procedure of our classroom's transformation was taken into account. And now the classroom rebuilding was completed, we would like to share this good news with everyone willing to contribute but not able to put in practice at that time last year.



“Let the Children Have a Classroom to Learn Safely”---Achievement Report of Rebuilding the Classrooms of GK Primary School in Nepal




In the beginning of 2016, Judy, member of Pure-Buddhist Classroom, joined a volunteer team ”Calls over Ridges” of National Taiwan University (NTU) during the winter vacation.  Judy went to Gorkha, the epicenter of April 2015 Nepal earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8M and mountain region of the Himalayas where the temperature was zero degrees Centigrade at night.  During the two-week period, she provided volunteer services in two primary schools in the mountain. After Judy came back to Taiwan, she made a briefing to all members of Pure-Buddhist Classroom and shared her personal experience and pictures.  I learned the following situation from Judy and had the idea---“Let the Children Have a Classroom to Learn Safely”    


這所小學Shree Gorakhkali Lower Secondary School 原本有兩棟建築,其中一棟為一層樓平房,已經半面坍塌、完全無法使用;另一棟為兩層樓建築,二樓因為地板都是剝落的石塊、窗框變形、牆壁大裂縫,已被封鎖;一樓仍勉強作為教室使用。由於尼國政府在震後運用重建資金的政策上,以高中、初中學校為優先,若是小學,也以人數較多的學校為先,因此這所位於廓爾喀山區的小學,至今仍等不到資金重建,所以至今,震後一年了,學生仍舊只能在臨時搭設的帳篷裡上課,帳篷裡空間有限而顯得擁擠、採光不佳,隔音不好,不同年級的孩子上課,會彼此影響。甚至有一半的孩子是在半開放式的竹棚內上課,經歷了夏天可能有土石流的雨季、寒冷近零度的冬季。


The Shree Gorakhkali Lower Secondary School once had two buildings, one of which was a bungalow had been half-collapsed and could not be used at all, the other being a two-storey building whose second floor had been blockaded because the classroom’s floor was full of peeling stones, the window frames had distorted, and there were great chasms on the walls. And the first floor could still be temporarily used as a classroom.  As the Nepal government gave priority to the senior high school, the junior high school, and the elementary school with more students on the post-earthquake use of funds, so the school located in the Gorakhkali mountain area was still waiting for the funds to construct their classroom. Until now, one year after the earthquake, the students can only study in the tents which were pitched temporarily. But the space in the tents was limited and crowded; furthermore, the tents cannot receive enough sunlight and the sound insulation of the tents was bad so that the children of different grades affected each other when they were studying. Moreover, half of the children who even studied in the semi-open bamboo scaffold went through the landslide in the rainy season of the summer and the cold near zero degrees Celsius in the winter.      




Due to the frequent communication with the principal of the school, we were informed that there were other international organizations willing to support the school rebuilding but the funds were still not enough and there was a lack of funds for the rebuilding of two classrooms. Thus, I put forth an idea to rebuild the two classrooms for the children in April 2016.




I sincerely appreciate that, after the first lecture of “Sutra of the Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” held in May 2016, those donors immediately made a generous donation and helped a lot. After the funds were gathered and remitted, the locals began to do the classroom construction project. Under very hard condition--- to gain resource and manpower in the Nepal mountain area was very difficult, the transportation of the building materials was very inconvenient, the local electricity was always insufficient, and the long rainy season led to repeated halfway work stoppage, after near one year, the project finally completed until March 2017. And then after some arrangements, the children already can attend the class and study in the two classrooms. Therefore, at this moment, with a grateful heart for donors, some representative pictures in these days were arranged by the team of Pure-Buddhist Classroom to report to you and express our deepest rejoice in what you have done and appreciation again.          


「清淨教室」學佛團體 老師  段貞夙





Susan Duan, Director of Pure-Buddhist Classroom   

June 2017




Shree Gorakhkali Lower Secondary School 教室重建前

Shree Gorakhkali Lower Secondary School---Before the Rebuilding of the Classroom



The children can only attend class in temporary shelters



2016/5/30 堪布Khenpo DM收到我方捐款美金12,000元並且慈悲願意擔任重建工程之聯繫窗口。

Shree Gorakhkali Lower Secondary School校長來函表示收到上述款項且將即進行教室重建。


2016/5/30 Khenpo DM received our donation of USD12,000 and was compassionate to act as the contact window of the rebuilding project.  

Principal of Shree Gorakhkali Lower Secondary School issued a letter indicating that they received of the aforesaid amount and will commence the rebuilding of classrooms accordingly.  




2016/6/13 取得當地官方核發之建造許可

Obtained the construction permit granted by local government.



2016/6/16 正式開始建造前的基地

Base of operation before the official beginning of the construction


照片中紅圈處,係我方捐助即將建設兩間教室之地點。 而工人腳下的水泥地及有鋼筋及水泥地處為其他國際團體早先捐助重建中之教室基地


The red circle marked on the pictures are the base of the two classrooms donated by us for rebuilding in the near future.  The cement floor where those workers stepped on and the location with steel bar and cement floor is the base of other two classrooms belong to the early rebuilding project sponsored by other international organization.




2016/6/17~2016/8/17 DM 傳來工程開始之照片,打地基

DM provided the pictures of the start of construction, i.e. the foundation work.




2016/7/20 「清淨教室」學佛團體Judy再次參加台大遠山團隊前往GK小學,所攝照片

Pictures took by Judy when she joined the NTU’s “Calls over Ridges” volunteer team again



2016/8/17 地基已完成

The foundation work was completed.




2016/12/19~2017/3/3 DM告知工程進度

DM informed the process of the construction.





2017/3/21  DM 告知主體工程已完工,僅剩細部工程待施作

DM informed that the main construction was completed and there were only detail work to be done.


完工報告Certificate of Completion



2017/3/26~2017/4/25 現場工程進度

On-site project progress



2017/4/25 Shree Gorakhkali Lower Secondary School 教室重建完工

The completion of classroom rebuilding for Shree Gorakhkali Lower Secondary School



Children learned happily in the rebuilt classroom

GK小學教室重建工程012-1060425_02 學生於新建教室內合照




The names of the left list were arranged in alphabetical order according to the first letter of the English name


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