

 因順應農曆七月中元節本地習俗,協會於106年9月將舉辦《地藏菩薩本願經》誦經法會,以實踐過往我們在講座所學的---以法布施眾生,歡迎 報名參加。





◎報名方式:電洽0966 636 825何小姐




Conforming to the custom of Zhongyuan Festival (Ghost Festival) in the seventh lunar month, the Association of Pure Buddhist will hold a Dharma Assembly of chanting “Sutra of the Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” in September to practice what we have learned in the previous Dharma Lectures---to give the Dharma to sentient beings. Welcome your participation!


Time: September 3, 2017, Sunday, 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Location: The APB Study (near MRT Technology Building Station) 

Registration Period: as from Today to 12:00pm on September 1, 2017

 Registering for the Dharma Assembly: Call us at 0966-636-825 (Contact: Ms. Ho).


*Due to the limited space, the quota  of people is limited.  Early registration is highly recommended.


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