

學生 琬婷 撰

by student, Wan Ting

回想2014年我初找老師做潛意識探索處理,因為體會到了身心前所未有的鬆綁與自在,決心繼續跟隨老師學佛,至今三年多,隨著與老師學習及相處時間的累積,讓我有機會不只從諮詢室、固定研習課堂上,更從平常生活的細節中進一步地認識了老師,而從老師身上看到了,佛法並不是高高懸掛的理論名詞,而是真正能被運用在生活中,讓自己愉悅自在,也能真心關懷、溫暖他人的方法。 因此我想從生活觀察的角度向大家介紹---我所認識的  段貞夙老師。

I still remembered that when I first met the Teacher, Ms. Duan, for the subconscious consultation in 2014. When feeling the mentally and physically free, I resolved to follow the Teacher to learn the Dharma. Until now, it has been more than three years, as time goes by, the more time I get along with the Teacher, the more I know the Teacher from daily life details. Due to the cherish chance, from the Teacher, I see that the Buddha Dharma is not abstruse theory but the method which can be used in our everyday life not only to save ourselves from vexation and make us delight, but also enable us to give others warm care from the bottom of our heart. Therefore, from my observation of daily life where I got along with our Teacher, I would like to sincerely introduce to you our Teacher, Susan Duan.







The teacher is able to touch people’s hearts and treats people harmoniously and well-rounded because she treats everyone with her "true heart”, respecting and caring about every being sincerely. She vowed to benefit others, but she must be tired. Apart from the “Orlando Consultation of the Subconscious Mind”, she has to answer and deal with not only many kinds of living difficulties from students but also the affairs of studies and activities. Besides, the teacher’s mother who is old and sick frequently goes in and out of hospital. All of these things make the teacher tied up, and the first thing she sacrifices is always her break time and health.
Usually after the teacher gave guidance to us and deal with our problems, it is already very late at night, we knew that we compressed the teacher’s time for other things again, and she can’t go to bed early. But she still reminds us to sleep earlier and take good care of our health. We felt embarrassed to make our teacher exhausted. But our teacher always said that the chance of our meet is so rare, she cherishes the chance. As long as we can learn the things benefit ourselves and be willing to care for others, all the hard efforts are worthwhile.




老師就像是我們的媽媽,天寒時,耽心我們著涼,研習開始前總會提醒我們要穿拖鞋、主動詢問我們冷不冷、要不要關窗,關心我們無微不至。有次研習期間,我提及了室友A (A班的同學)昨半夜不舒服掛急診,老師聽了臉色一沉,非常掛心A的情況,並詢問我,怎麼沒有昨半夜第一時間就讓老師知道?我是想半夜不要打擾老師休息,但老師卻是把我們當成自己的家人,那麼急切的關心我們,一點也不在意時間。研習中間休息時,老師立即撥了電話關心A的情況。記憶裡,從來沒有遇過這樣的老師,關心學生如同家人,把學生的事當作自己的事,甚至比自己的事更優先。

The teacher is just like our mother, she cared for us in every possible way, for example, when the weather got cold, she would ask us that “whether you are cold?”, “whether it is necessary to close windows?” and remind us to wear slippers before the studies begin for worrying that we would catch cold. One time, in the period of study, I mentioned that my roommate, A (one of the “Pure Dharma Learning Group” students), went to the emergency room last night at midnight. When the teacher heard about the message, she was worried and very concerned about the student’s situation; then she asked me that why didn’t we tell the teacher right away last midnight? At that night, we were afraid to interrupt the teacher’s sleep, but she treated us as her family so that she didn’t care about how late it was at all. During the break time of the study, she made a phone call immediately to A for concerning about her health. In my memory, I have never met such a teacher who cares students like her family and treats students’ affairs as her affairs, even prior to her affairs.





On the eve of the Mother’s Day in a certain year, we thought that although our teacher’s age was almost as same as the most students’, she is our mother of the Dharma; therefore, we invited the teacher for dinner. After the dinner, some student invited the teacher to stay with us at a certain student’s home, but the teacher said “Just wait till the Dharma lecture!” and wished us have a good time. I knew that the teacher was willing to have fun with us, but she declined the invitation for protecting our heart of learning the Dharma in case we breed contempt and cause loss of learning the Dharma, so she couldn’t come even she wanted. On the other side, for not disappointing us too much, she didn’t turn down our invitation directly but declined on the grounds of preparing for the Dharma lecture. On that day, it was Mother’s Day Eve, we saw that there were a lot of stuffs in the teacher’s one hand, and the other hand was holding a bunch of flowers from us. The teacher had been tired after the busy day, we couldn’t bear to let she take the bus after long walk, so we caught up with her in a hurry and wanted to hail a taxi for her. After a long stalemate, the teacher still disagreed to let us spend extra money for her:” It is happy to chat with you tonight, I am not tired at all. And I am not that old!” Then she persisted in going home by bus. At that breezy and comfortable night, I looked after the teacher and thought that maybe it is the picture of our teacher, she almost put in all the time and effort for the students. However, she had to keep the proper distance from students for protecting our mind of learning the Dharma. I thought there might be many things we don’t know on the teacher’s shoulders.




我從做潛意識諮詢,到覺心研習至今,兩年多的時間,我曾多次的想過,老師是怎麼樣的人?如果有人問起,我又會怎麼回答?但好像每次答案都不盡相同,因為隨著每段時間自己的體悟不同,就有了不同的答案。今年,我更進一步地看到, 老師,是以利益眾生為志業,在諮詢室個案、學生、台南母親的多方承擔之下,又要帶我們做踏青淨地活動、為準備佛學講座相關事宜(場地細節、經本助印、準備講授內容…)而忙累時,仍心繫著在尼泊爾偏遠山區,因震災而失去學校,一年來在帳篷裡上課的小朋友們,希望能為他們重建一個能遮風避雨、讓他們安心學習的教室,而多方努力。

It has been more than two years since I sought subconscious consultation with the teacher to the Mind-Awareness Studies,I have thought many times about: what kind of person is our teacher? If someone asks me, how will I answer? But the answer in my mind is not always the same because my thoughts change with the different things I saw. For example, in this year, I knew more about our teacher, she truly regarded “benefiting beings” as her vocation. Under the multiple burden of  the consultation cases, students and her mother in Tainan, the teacher still leaded us to hold the activity of “Outing for Land Cleansing” and was dedicated to preparing for the related matters of the Dharma lecture(details of the place for lecture, printing the Sutra books and preparing for the lecture contents...). In addition, her heart was still with the children in the remote mountain area in Nepal who lost their school in a earthquake disaster could only study in tents and it had been one year, so the teacher made a lot of efforts for hoping to rebuild a classroom which can shelter them from wind and rain to enable them focus on studying.   







I still remember that when we hoped to donate to the departments concerned for helping the refugees of Middle East but dragged our heels, the teacher asked us that ”If there are your family are undergoing sufferings, will you still be that casual?” 


Our teacher, whom I see “what the Buddha Dharma is” from, cherishes every being who has the chance to come in her presence such as an affectionate mother who loves every child. 







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