


106521日,中華清淨學佛協會舉行《地藏菩薩本願經》佛學講座第七講,恭請 授法老師 段貞夙居士 為大眾開講。講座當天適逢一年一度的國中會考,許多大德由於身為陪考家長不克前來,而與會眾人更加珍惜因緣俱足能聽經聞法的難得機會。


On the afternoon of May 21, 2017, Association of Pure Buddhist held Dharma Lecture Seven of Sutra of the Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and invited our teacher Susan Duan to give speech. Coincidentally, the lecture and the annual Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students took place on the same date, many people were unable to attend the lecture because of accompanying their children who were examinees, so the attendants were grateful that they were able to attend the Dharma lecture and cherished the rare opportunity.










At the beginning of the lecture, following the question---”What kind of person do you want to become?” which the Teacher Susan Duan left for us to self-reflect in the previous lecture, the Teacher taught that the reason why "vows” are so important is that they make our life meaningful.  However, it is not enough if we only make vows; instead, we have to complete our vows with the actual actions. The Teacher also taught that people often said that we have to love ourselves, and to truly love oneself is to accumulate the wisdom able to be used.  The Dharma shows the wisdom that the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas taught us to face and solve all kinds of problems in our life, and the Dharma is the map guiding us how to live in the world.     








And the Teacher taught us how to understand the truth of the karma, and the incredible power of the vows and karma by illustrating the causes and effects of the Brahman woman and her mother mentioned in the Sutra. She encouraged everyone to place high value on the causes and make correct choices (causes), because it is the only way to liberate ourselves from all sufferings of Samsara. The Teacher further took the interactions between parents and children in daily life for example to give guidance to us for utilizing the wisdom of the Dharma in our life so that we can truly fulfill the filial piety to our parents.












"If the karma is self-inflicted, why the Brahman woman who fulfilled her filial duty could assist her mother in leaving the giant sufferings of the Hell and going to the heaven realm?", "Does Brahman woman's mother still have retribution for the bad karma which was made by herself?"  The Teacher skillfully taught and guided everyone to think over the critical elements layer upon layer of the questions, finally pointed out the core to solve the questions and rounded this lecture off perfectly.










Everyone learned the Dharma excellently taught by the Teacher and shared their feeling with each other after the lecture. They were amazed that the instructions taught by the Teacher could completely apply to their own problems they were encountering in life at this moment. The guidance from the Teacher was sobering and enabled us to see the light.  “Dharma is the guidance of life” proved again! (Announcement: the eighth lecture will take place on July 8, 2017)










(附註:本次講座更多相關照片,請至部落格相簿 觀賞。)

(more photos of the Lecture are at )


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