In the afternoon of May 6, 2017, it was breezy and pleasant, the much-anticipated fourth study for the students of all classes was finally coming! When the Teacher Susan Duan told us that it would be an outdoor and practice study which would make us go out from our familiar classroom, and apply the methods which we had learned from the previous studies---“The way to eliminate the huge gaps between our impressions of things in mind and the reality---to resolve the endless troubles we made to our interpersonal relationship and daily life.” Only when the methods of cultivating our heart are really used to the living environment, they are useful to resolve our vexation in daily life. All of the students anticipated the content of this study excitedly.
Surrounded by the blue sky, green trees, and refreshing breeze, the Teacher explained the way of the study for us, and then the study started in the campus of the National Taiwan University! The students were divided into groups of two or three people, and these groups scattered in the huge grass to select their “observed object”. After that, according to the context of the study and the methods we had learned from the Teacher in the previous studies, everyone in their group concentrated on the object. After meditation, we were amazed and delighted as we discovered a different world.
During the study, the blue sky was once covered by gray clouds but no rain dropped down. Thus we were not to roasted by sun but enjoyed the breeze. It was very thankful that Buddha let this outdoor and practice study to be rounded off perfectly!
「母親像月亮一樣,照耀我家門窗,聖潔多慈祥,發出愛的光芒, 為了兒女著想,不怕烏雲阻擋,賜給我溫情,鼓勵我向上。母親啊!我愛您!我愛您,您真偉大。」祝福我們最親愛的老師「母 親 節 快 樂!」感恩老師---我們學佛路上的媽媽,不辭辛勞地教導我們,從不會因為我們一次次的學不會而放棄我們,而是用愛心跟耐心灌溉著我們,為我們承擔這麼多,讓我們能夠安心的學習,漸漸的萌芽、成長。
The teacher led the students who were very joyful after being refreshed by the natural environment to the classroom. We would like to give our teacher a big surprise with the Mother's Day cake hidden in advanced.
“Mother is like the Moon shining my home. Holy and kind, sprays the shining of love. Always thinks of children, she is not afraid of dark clouds(difficulty). And gives us warm and encourages me. Mother, I love you. I love you. How great you are.” We sang the song, “Mother, how great you are!”, to wish our dearest teacher “Happy Mother’s Day!” Thank our teacher---our “mother” on the path to enlightenment for teaching us tirelessly, and never giving us up although we made mistakes again and again. The Teacher irrigated us with love and patience and bared so much for us to make us be able to learn Dharma with confidence and then gradually sprout and grow up.
The teacher was touched to tears by the sweet students, and said “How kind you are!” modestly as usual. Besides, the teacher taught us with the metaphor---“Sentient beings are like the roots of the Bodhi-tree, and only by benefiting all beings with the water of great compassion can one achieve the flowers and fruits of the Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ wisdom.” in “The Aspiration of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra.” All the students on the spot were moved and grateful for the teacher’s firm willing and doing to benefit sentient beings. All students made a wish that everyone of us could keep learning and cherish the rare causes and conditions of following the teacher's steps to walk on the path to enlightenment.
Afterwards, everyone celebrated for the student whose birthday is in May, she was surprised and said: “In the procedure of practice, there were sufferings and struggles when facing the darkness in our mind. However, as long as I practiced and followed our teacher's teachings, I finally turned such difficulties into Dharma joy and benefited from our teacher so much. I am very grateful to our teacher for teaching me patiently.”
During the tea break, students asked the Teacher “If the faith to practice is strong and firm, can the coming karma be transformed?” The teacher gave examples of things occurring in our daily life to explain the relationship between the faith to practice and karma, and taught students how to train our mind to become a buddhist and accumulate the resources to practice. She also illustrated with the recent observation on the mindset of the students about learning. All students were touched and grateful that how rare it was for us to find a teacher of great attainments in Dharma, understanding our true fear and desire within our mind (subconsciousness), and being willing to spend a long time patiently removing those root causes of troubles in our mind. Everyone recalled that we had been suffering in the sea of bitterness for a long time until we found our teacher. It was very thankful that our teacher listened carefully to the voices of our mind, taught us how to face our mind and solve problems, and pulled us onto the ship of practicing to prevent us from drowning in the sea of bitterness in our life. Everyone hoped to remember our original intention to practice and the kindness which our teacher has been giving us and continuously follow our teacher’s steps to walk on the path to enlightenment.
http://pureclassroom.pixnet.net/album/15865737 觀賞。)
(more photos of the study are at https://pureclassroom.pixnet.net/album/15865737)