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In the afternoon of February 24, 2018, the Pure Buddhist Association held a Dharma Assembly at the beginning of spring, the Teacher told us that chanting Sutras which are relevant with the Guanyin (Avalokitesvara) Bodhisattva and Bodhisattva's holy name has wonderful meaning. Thank the Teacher for leading us to chant“ The Heart Sutra”,“The Great Compassion Mantra”and the holy name of the Guanyin Bodhisattva to make us turn over a new leaf in the wonderful blessing of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.




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After the Sutra chanting , the Teacher compassionately instructed us in “the basic spirit of the Guanyin Bodhisattva”. But she didn’t give us the answer directly; instead, she aroused our curiosity with a question at first─”Why the most widely known and most common Bodhisattva in every household is the Guanyin Bodhisattva?” After brainstorming, the Teacher gave us the answer: “Because the basic spirit of Guanyin Bodhisattva is great mercy, and the Bodhisattva made vows life after life to save suffering beings. Every being in the Saha universe had been saved by the Guanyin Bodhisattva and remembers the Bodhisattva’s merits with gratitude. It is why every household loves and respects the Guanyin Bodhisattva. And due to the Guanyin Bodhisattva’s great mercy of relieving suffering beings(cause), the great function of thousands of hands and eyes and the perfect penetration through the ear faculty to hear sounds and save those in sufferings are naturally developed (result).”   




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Under the penetrating elaboration of the Teacher, we realized that compared to ordinary people’s habit of weighing up gains and losses in everything, how great it is to have such a heart which is full of compassion and willing to save suffering people without expecting in return life after life. The Guanyin Bodhisattva never asks for any return; however, the Bodhisattva has established the great merits of “every household knows and loves the Guanyin Bodhisattva”. We were deeply touched and shocked to see the incredible power of a true heart with great mercy. The Teacher also encouraged us that “although we can’t yet be like the Bodhisattva to save suffering beings now, as long as we can comfort, visit, encourage and accompany those who need help in our life, it is learning from the Guanyin Bodhisattva, and the one is a disciple of the Guanyin Bodhisattva.”    




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In the Chinese New Year Dinner Gathering at night, students and their relatives were all happy to gather together at the beginning of spring and chat with each other in the vegetable feast. Someone shared that her mother loves such a heartwarming dinner gathering very much, so she asked very early if the activity holds this year. During the dinner, the emcee constantly made witty remarks which made everyone laugh heartily.       




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Then as previous years, the activity of New Year Wish was coming! Everyone shared their own new year wish actively.








A relative shared that “Because feeling full positive energy and warmth from my friend who learns from the Teacher Duan, I wanted to know where her positive energy comes from, then I began to attend the Dharma Lectures of the Association. After listening to the Teacher’s Dharma teaching for us, my previous stereotypes about religion were broken, and I found that the Buddha Dharma is not a superstition but can be actually used in our daily life. ”






A student said that “I am very grateful to the Teacher for giving us opportunities to learn through doing affairs of the Association. The Teacher not only taught us to do things but also constantly taught us to cultivate our minds in the process. I hope that in the new year I can have enough ability to afford more affairs and learn more in it.”






A student said that “Thanks to the Teacher’s teaching, I took others’ giving for granted before, but now I learn to see others’ giving and thank them sincerely.” I hope I can get rid of my habit of being indifferent and become a warm person in the new year. “






On the occasion of sharing new year wishes, students expressed their gratitude to the Teacher one by one. With consistently humble attitude, the Teacher said that ”Thanks to my students’ sincere studying, the Association of Pure Buddhist could be set up. Learning the Buddha Dharma is not as negative as what many people misunderstand; instead, it is very positive. In my thought, living in the world, the aim should be to bring good energy to others, doing our best in what we can do on works and caring for others sincerely. I hope that the Association can make good affinity with more people to spread good deeds and positive energy in the new year.”










After the Dharma Assembly and Chinese New Year Gathering at the beginning of spring on February 24, we sincerely hope that everyone takes full positive energy from the blessing of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha and turns over a new beautiful leaf.      





(附註:本次法會更多相關照片,請至部落格相簿  觀賞。

             本次春節團拜聚餐更多相關照片,請至部落格相簿  觀賞。)



(more photos of the Dharma Assembly are at

 more photos of the Chinese New Year Dinner Gathering are at )



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