


The 4th meeting of the first board of directors and supervisors of Association of Pure Buddhist was held successfully on May 21, 2017.  Attendees were our Teacher, teaching assistant, directors and supervisors.  We all rejoiced that Jenny Tai was the successor of one of the board members to accumulate merits with us together.

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106521日,中華清淨學佛協會舉行《地藏菩薩本願經》佛學講座第七講,恭請 授法老師 段貞夙居士 為大眾開講。講座當天適逢一年一度的國中會考,許多大德由於身為陪考家長不克前來,而與會眾人更加珍惜因緣俱足能聽經聞法的難得機會。


On the afternoon of May 21, 2017, Association of Pure Buddhist held Dharma Lecture Seven of Sutra of the Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and invited our teacher Susan Duan to give speech. Coincidentally, the lecture and the annual Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students took place on the same date, many people were unable to attend the lecture because of accompanying their children who were examinees, so the attendants were grateful that they were able to attend the Dharma lecture and cherished the rare opportunity.


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In the afternoon of May 6, 2017, it was breezy and pleasant, the much-anticipated fourth study for the students of all classes was finally coming!  When the Teacher Susan Duan told us that it would be an outdoor and practice study which would make us go out from our familiar classroom, and apply the methods which we had learned from the previous studies---“The way to eliminate the huge gaps between our impressions of things in mind and the reality---to resolve the endless troubles we made to our interpersonal relationship and daily life.”  Only when the methods of cultivating our heart are really used to the living environment, they are useful to resolve our vexation in daily life.  All of the students anticipated the content of this study excitedly.


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☛ 時間:民國 106  5 21 日(日) 下午1:30-5:00
☛ 地點:中華民國全國商業總會 會議室
390 號  樓 (近捷運大安站 號出口)

Dharma Lecture Information

Time:  May 21, 2017, Sunday, 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

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Association of Pure Buddhist held Dharma Assembly of chanting The Amitabha Sutra for Tomb-Sweeping Festival on the afternoon of April 1, 2017. We were deeply thankful that our Teacher, Susan Duan, led us to chant “The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra” and prayed for sentient beings of six realms to gain rebirth in a Buddhist Pure Land, and leave from sufferings and attain true happiness.


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 "To clean the land by picking up trash, you can't only use your eyes to find it,

the most important thing is to have a conscious, concentrated and conscientious heart.

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中華清淨學佛協會佛學講座於3月12日舉行,授法老師 段貞夙居士 慈悲為大眾開講《地藏菩薩本願經》第六講,深入經文義理,闡釋「釋迦牟尼佛與文殊菩薩以大智演法施教,為此經作證明;地藏菩薩功德威神不可思議,為眾生之福田,眾生一念清淨便獲無量福報,皆因菩薩因地發廣大慈悲願心,救度一切受苦眾生。」以此開展講述諸佛菩薩的智慧身教,具體實踐於生活中的修持方法,並以生動活潑的舉例,使大眾感悟驚歎,原來生活中所有起心動念處即是修行處,解脫樂或輪迴苦就在一念之間展開。


Association of Pure Buddhist held Dharma lecture on March 21.  Our teacher, Susan Duan, who gave speech of the sixth lecture of “Sutra of the Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (the Sutra) interpreted the Sutra by starting from”how Sakyamuni Buddha and Manjusri Bodhisattva give Dharma teaching to prove the Sutra of the Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva by incredible wisdom.” And she explained ”why does Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva have so wonderful merits and magnificent virtues which enable sentient beings to accumulate immeasurable merits by showing respect to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva from the bottom of their hearts?  It is due to the great vow made by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the boundless past lives to liberate continuously all sentient beings from all sufferings of Samsara.” Teacher Susan Duan also instructed how to transform Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ teachings into practicable methods in daily life. Meanwhile, by illustrating with the lively examples, the attendants’ hearts were all vibrated and exclaimed in wonderment that every mind in our daily life is the moment to practice and to plant the seed of attaining the happiness of liberty or leaving the sufferings of Samsara.


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In the beginning of spring, the much-anticipated study for the members was finally coming!  In retrospect, the last two dynamic studies which were exclusively designed for students by Teacher Susan Duan were one and only among studies of other places.  In the process of dynamic observation and practice, all the students suddenly realized that our hearts in daily life are constantly in a state of chaos---no wonder there always were huge gaps between our impressions of things in mind and the reality.  And such gaps made trouble to our interpersonal relationship or daily affairs.  During the study, students also practiced adjusting mind with useful methods the Teacher taught us.


This study was continuation from the study of the end of last year---”Overcome The Gap Between Impression Of Things In Mind And Reality”. In the beginning of the study, the Teacher asked about what students had experienced by practicing the methods to observe and adjust our own heart in daily life during the period from last class through now.  All shared their own discoveries enthusiastically---“Although I am very busy in working, my heart can be free from being interrupted by surroundings and established a rapport with people at work.”, “When my heart became stable and calm, it was amazing!  I could sense surrounding people’s magnetic field of emotions, and my mind still be able to stay calm.”  Our Teacher taught again that Dharma is not profound theory to be shelved, but wisdom which is useful be applied to life.  Only by practicing Dharma in life can you feel how the Dharma benefits others and yourself.  So making students use what they have learned, it is why the Teacher gave homework to students.    


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